We are very pleased to announce that Gillian Keegan has been elected as the Member of Parliament for Chichester.
Gillian described being ‘absolutely delighted’ by the result, polling 36,032 votes.
She said: “I’ve had a fair amount of practice, in my public service apprenticeship as it were but to actually become MP for Chichester is fabulous, it really is a dream come true.”
Gillian Keegan replaces fellow Conservative Andrew Tyrie, who stood down from the role for this election after serving the constituency since 1997.
She was elected with 36,032 votes, a majority of 22,621 over Labour candidate Mark Farwell.
Labour’s vote increased by just over ten per cent on their 2015 performance in the seat, with the UK Independence Party (UKIP) seeing their share of the vote fall by over 12 per cent.
Date: June 9th 2017. result announced at approximately 3am:
Turnout: 70.65%
Conservative Gillian Keegan 36,032
Labour 13,411
Liberal Democrats 6,749
Green Party 1,992
UKIP 1,650
Patria 84
Electorate: 84,991
Spoiled papers: 129
Gilllian Keegan:
Gillian has lived in the Chichester District for the past seven years and is the District Councillor for the Rogate Ward. As Cabinet Member for Commercial Services she is responsible for increasing Council revenue and securing value for money on key services. In addition, she is active in the community through a variety of roles; as Board Governor at St Richards, a member of the Rural and Coastal West Sussex Partnerships and Director of the Business Improvement District in Chichester City Centre.
Prior to pursuing a career in politics, she enjoyed a successful 27-year international career in the manufacturing, banking and technology sectors. She is married and has two step-sons.
Chichester Conservative Association looks forward to providing Gillian with the fullest possible support in her role as MP for Chichester.
You can find Gillian's website here: https://www.gilliankeegan.com