Thursday, 13th January 2022
7pm for 7.30pm
The Chairman & Officers of the Association request the pleasure of your company at the Annual Dinner
on Thursday 13th January 2022
at Chichester Assembly Room, North St, Chichester, PO19 1LQ
7pm for 7.30pm
Guest Speaker: A Senior Cabinet Minister
(apologies but security precludes us from giving the name)
Gillian Keegan will be attending
Tickets are £46.50 (£18 for aged 25 and under) & will include a sparkling reception and delicious 3 course dinner
Dress code: formal.
Please make payment by cheque to Chichester Conservatives, or by bank transfer to sort: 20-20-62, account: 50251062, ref: your name.
Or use the link here to pay by credit card: